Under the leading lights of the outgoing university president, Cebu Normal University (CNU) had achieved a good number of recognitions and awards which catapulted the university’s name to top excellence. Crimson and gold glimmered during Dr. Filomena T. Dayagbil’s four-year term as a product of purposeful collaboration between the administration and stakeholders.


To formalize the conclusion of her term, an event held at the CNU grounds kicked off last April 29, 2021 and was physically attended by the CNU administrative council officials and members. Distant Normalites, on the other hand, had their eyes on screen as the event was broadcasted simultaneously on the university’s Facebook page.


Dr. Laurence Garcia, Chairman of the End-of-Report Portfolio, noted in his welcome remarks that this was “a day to be grateful to the administration that nurtured us even amid the trying times”.


While the event purposed to highlight Dayagbil’s report on her stay as the State University and College (SUC) President III of CNU, she desired to honor and recognize first those who have contributed to the achievement of the university’s strategic directions; thus, awarding plaques of appreciation to partner organizations, agencies, and individuals who helped in shaping the glory of CNU.


On her portfolio report and message, Dayagbil shared that she was reminded of the ending part of her investiture speech four years ago. “


As your president, it is my pleasure to partner with you and work with you on something that is bigger than any of us, an ongoing vision to chart the course for CNU to excel in innovative teaching and learning, cutting edge research, and relevant partnerships,” she repeated.


Dayagbil continued, “Fast forward today, as my presidency ends, I could proudly say that with your partnerships, we successfully accomplished what we have promised, achieving one milestone after another, in leaps and bounds.”


Representing her end-of-term report as “excelsior”, a Latin word and a catchphrase used by famous comic book writer Stan Lee, this described the entire CNU community’s collective efforts through the years, attaining noteworthy achievements to its five strategic directions: (1) sustaining quality and relevance; (2) enhancing research, development, and innovation; (3) expanding community engagement and linkages; (4) digitization and automation of operations; and (5) maximizing resource generation and utilization.


As she ended her speech, the outgoing president remarked, “Excelsior! Onward, Cebu Normal University!”


Words by Mark Aleson Sanico

Screenshots by Retlyn Ereca Ceballos